Oh, so many of you are waiting. Unfortunately I had a duh moment, and broke my camera! Trevor has an old one somewhere, so while I'm looking for it, please be patient.
I will give you a quick update. We bought an old farm house across from the river bottoms. It is in great need of decorate update. Once you opened the door, you would encounter the carpet, which my sister Kim nicknamed the leopard skin carpet. Which I snapped a picture of before the dreadful loss of the camera. The picture really doesn't capture the nastiness of that carpet. You had to see it and feel how disgusting it really was. While in good condition, I couldn't stand it. So, we took it out. The best decision of our lives. (which of course is and exagguration, because choosing to move to Logan, pretty good one, marrying Trevor, great one!)
So I actually enjoy being in my living room now.
As soon as I get the drapes finished, and get Trev's camera figured out, I'll post some before and after shots.