Lots has been going on lately with the Thomas crew I'm not sure I can get it all down. And I don't have any pictures to speak of, but I'll try to get some up later. Here's some of the things we've been dealing with.
Trevor's brother Travis got a rope wrapped around his ankle and was dragged for about a quarter mile by my horse Ty. Thankfully, he was able to free himself and got help quickly. He's healing really well, but still not able to attend school or play football. We are totally bummed about that since we made a trip out to the valley for that reason, but having Travis safe and on the mend is a great blessing. I guess we'll have to come back later after the doc gives him the go ahead to play. Darn, another trip to the most beautiful land ever. We spent all day yesterday in the mountains and at a reservoir. It was so much fun. Trevor's uncle has access to the dam and he was able to give us a tour, we walked through the tunnel to a cabin type thing that was 70 feet under the reservoir. It was kind of scary, but a once in a life-time experience. No, pictures, they aren't aloud. I love Colorado wilderness, I wish you all could see how beautiful and wonderful it is.
Through a series of divinely planned events just before we came out to the Valley, Trevor was offered a great job working for a company called Agri-Service He gets to work back into the agricultural field selling farm equipment and managing a store. We are so grateful for this wonderful job, it came at the perfect time and gives us all the opportunities we were hoping to have. We haven't even officially started working, and already love it a thousand times more than what we were doing. So you'll have to come visit us in our new home, in...
Roosevelt, Utah! yep, the middle of nowhere! Its not too far from Vernal, and just a few hour drive from the I-15 corridor. I'm really excited to not live in the middle of Utah, and to move out to the country. I wish it were a little closer to family, but it puts us right in the middle of Trevor's family and my own.
I have to add here how much I love Trevor. He is a wonderful man. I didn't realize when we were married how lucky I was to have him. Although we don't always see eye to eye, and aren't always to best communicators, I would never trade him in. I can't even put into words all the wonderful things I see in him and love about him. He is such a wonderful father, always taking the time to play with Collin and teaching him how to work and not give up, how to laugh and have fun and how to be a tough, kind boy. Although I know I try his patience, he sticks with me and works so hard day in and day out to provide a great life for me. Today is our 3 year anniversary and I have loved every day of it! I love you Trev!
So the next few weeks will be crazy, moving, getting trained and finding a new home. I'll try to post more often (roll your eyes and exclaim, "I don't believe you!") but if you don't hear from me, know you know why.
PS. I stepped on my first nail ever! I'm trying to make it sound exciting, but really it hurt like nothing else. But I can almost walk normally, and its a really small hole in the bottom of my foot. Don't worry, I got a tetanus booster so I'll be fine too.
Crazy! Do you remember Ruth from child care? She and her husband just moved to Vernal. Maybe you can be middle of nowhere friends:)
Wow! You're moving again. You can do it! We drove through Vernal on one of our trips from Texas to Idaho. It was very pretty. Happy Anniversary. I'm glad you married such a hard-working man.
MY PARENTS LIVE IN ROOSEVELT! AND I WILL BE VISITING IN 2 WEEKS! (dont you like how I am using all caps, it is because I am excited:) Can we come see you?!) My dad is the manager for the Zions bank there in town- go say hello :) What ward are you in? They are in the 11th ward, I think. Why, yes- Roosevelt IS in the middle of nowhere but there are really fantastic members that live there. You will like it.
My email is ashleyhrees@hotmail.com.
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